November, 2014

Get your windows holiday-ready

Posted on: November 22nd, 2014 by townAdmin


There may be no other time of year than the winter holidays where the front and sides of the house will be seen as much by your neighbors. With holiday lights, reindeer on the front lawn and even a nativity scene (or two), your home is on display for everyone to see – and to judge.

That’s why you need to make sure the outside of your windows are clean and holiday-ready using this easy-to-use checklist. As always, you can contact for all your professional window cleaning needs.


When’s the last time you took a rag with soap and water – and not just the garden hose – to each of your windows? If you’re reading this before December, now may be the time to give your windows the love and care they need to really sparkle and shine.

Window screens

If your windows have screens, they will be the first things outsiders will see in your home. That’s why you need to be sure they’re as presentable as the windows they help protect. Clean out any stains and mend any tears or holes in your screens. This can also help out with the heating bills!

Storm windows

Now’s a good time to think about storm windows as well – whether you have them or not. If you do, then you’ve made a great step in the right direction for protecting your home. Make sure you clean them inside and out. If you don’t have storm windows, now is a good time to install them before things get too rough this winter season. You never know when the polar vortex will make its grand re-entrance.

Window sills

Summer has long gone and fall is on the way out. Hopefully you’ve cleaned out all the bugs, bird droppings and dirt that have gathered on them in the meantime. If you haven’t, it’s OK – we don’t judge – but we do recommend you take action soon! As great as it would be if it were the case, snow and ice won’t dissolve yucky residue on your windowsills – they’ll only cover them until they melt in the spring.

Visit today to schedule a window cleaning appointment. We also can check your screens and sills for cleanliness, security and damage. Windows are one of the most vulnerable structures in your home, which is why you need the best!