May, 2015

The Allergy and Clean Window Connection

Posted on: May 26th, 2015 by townAdmin


Keeping the outside of your home and your windows clean isn’t all about aesthetics and impressing the neighbors.

If you are one of the 40 to 60 million Americans who has seasonal allergies such as hay fever, keeping your home clean actually a health concern. Having clean and fully functioning windows and screens can help keep our allergens from your home by creating a secure air lock in the rooms you want to keep free of outside allergens. This is important for any young ones in the home who could develop these allergies as well as any adults in the home who already have them.

Clean windows, windowsills and external home fixtures have other impacts on potential allergies, too. Here are some of the types of allergies that can be impacted by the cleanliness of your home and windows.


According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, outdoor mold allergies are often the result of rotting plants and leaves outside. After a cold winter, these dead plants and other compost can begin to grow mold, which is a major trigger for allergies for some. If you have a clean and secure window, you can prevent outdoor mold allergies from reaching the home in the first place.

Indoor mold allergies can also be serious, and not doing enough to keep moisture out of your window fixtures can significantly increase them. The ACAAI recommends that you use mold-inhibiting cleaners on any outside surface that can trap moisture and allow mold to grow in the home. This includes ground slopes, paint, primer and any part of the home that can allow water to leak into the home.

Dust and dust mites

Other common allergens in the home are dust and dust mites. Dust can cause allergic reactions in people most commonly when they are stirred up by cleaning, dusting or vacuuming activities. If you take a long time between window cleanings, you could be stirring up this common allergen every time you clean the inside of the window fixture in the home. To help prevent this, clean the windows on a more regular basis and wear face masks while cleaning.

Dust mites thrive on moisture and warm temperatures, and can be a cause of very severe allergies in some people. If you suspect you may have dust mites, you need to make sure you have a normal amount of humidity in the home. According to the ACAAI, they thrive in environments with a humidity index of 75 to 80 and die off below 50.

Seeking professional help

If you or another family member are experiencing severe allergies inside the home, you may need some additional help to remove the cause of the allergies. Visit today to schedule an appointment.